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Ringing and Seawatching

fredag 16. april 2021
Barnacles, Velvet scooters and time for noting details
af Samuel Perfect

Another day with much the same proceedure as the day before. Although our routine is consistent (in order to keep the ringing and migration counts standardised and thus comparable) there are still new experiences to be had every day. Our highlight was a smart adult female Yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella). The steady trickle of birds through the garden has been much appreciated by our trainee ringers as it has allowed us the opportunity to teach the mechanisms at play which account for the appearance of plumage and bare parts in a bird, such as moult, feather development, wear and hormone levels. We have therefore spent our time focusing more on each individual bird by finding moult limits, discussing identification characterists and much more without being overwhelmed. Busier days are surely on the horizon when all this learning will be put to the test! 

JION5868.JPGSimon with the Yellowhammer he has just finished ringing and measuring.

As the ringing played out in the gardens below, David watched like a sentinel from on high at the flat bunker. Highlights included a flock of 17 Barancle Geese (Branta leucopsis) flying north and a trickle of 18 Velvet Scoters (Melanitta fusca). See the full account of this morning's observations here.

Also of note were 2 Small Tortoiseshell butterflies.

Ring marking: 1 Great Tit, 1 Chiffchaff, 2 Blackbird, 2 Song Thrush, 1 Robin, 5 Dunnock, and 1 Yellowhammer.

People: Bent, Amanda, Samuel, Simon, David.