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Birds, birds, birds

tirsdag 20. april 2021
Diversity, jay and wryneck!
af Samuel Perfect

A very productive day! Simon spent the morning conducting the standardised migration count from Sydhukket. Highlights included a Merlin (Dværgfalk, Falco columbarius) zipping by northwards, four Arctic Skuas (Almindelig Kjove, Stercorarius parasiticus), an increase in Sandwich Tern (Splitterne, Thalasseus sandvicensis) numbers, and a Tree Pipit (Skovpiber, Anthus trivialis) calling loudly whilst dropping out of the sky into the observatory garden. Unfortunately it didn't go into the nets.
See the full acount of this mornings migration counts here.

Bent also squeezed in a brief walk and connected with the singing Bluethroat (Blåhals, Luscinia svecica) in the bog. This was followed by an unsuccessful visit by Amanda and I in the evening although we did enjoy watching a hunting Short-eared Owl and a stunning sunset.

Amanda and I perserved with the ringing. With the previous two days of triple figure catches with low diversity, we were instead treated to a day with a good number of birds and of high diversity including some unusual catches. This included the first Wryneck (Vendehals, Jynx torquilla) of the season, which got us all quite excited. It was Amanda's first encounter. We also caught three more Blackcaps (Munk, Sylvia atricapilla) and a beautiful 2K Jay (Skovskade, Garrulus glandarius).

HCNJ4887.JPGWryneck (Vendehals) is always a valued catch. Their cryptic plumage, vestigial outer tail feathers, and subtle moult limits mean there is much to be appreciated.

LXLS8733.JPGOur first Jay (Skovskade), a bird of oak woodland making an excursion into the dunes and fortunately one of our well positioned nets.

Simon later joins us in the ringing and whilst on a net round picked out a stunning Queen of Spain Fritillary (Storplettet perlemorsommerfugl, Issoria lathonia). Amanda and I also found the larvae of a White Ermine (Almindelig Tigerspinder, Phocoena phocoena) between two netrounds, Ribbed Pine Borer, (Fyrretandbuk, Rhagium inquisitor), and a Shoulder Stripe (Brungul Bladmåler Earophila badiata) was photographed after coming to light the previous evening. Of some additional non-avian interest were eight Harbour Porpoises (Marsvin, Phocoena phocoena) milling about offshore.

SHOULDER_STRIPE_20.04.2021_Blavand_Denmark_40.JPGShoulder Stripe (Brungul Bladmåler Earophila badiata)


Rhagium_inquisitor_20.04.2021_Blavand_Denmark_46.JPGRibbed Pine Borer (Fyrretandbuk, Rhagium inquisitor)

Every bird observatory must also indulge in other activities besides recording wildlife. For this reason, Amanda and Simon diligently washed and dried the dirty bird bags whilst I continued with the production of a home-made moth trap. Hopefully it will be ready soon, and we will be able to show you some cool moths!

Ringmærkning: rødhals 23, fuglekonge 10, gransanger 6, gråsisken 5, sangdrossel 3, munk 3, jernspurv 2, tornirisk 1, bogfinke 1, solsort 1, gærdesmutte 1, dompap 1, skovskade 1, vendehals 1

Folk: Simon, Samuel, Bent, Amanda