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New poersonnel!

tirsdag 20. juli 2021
af Samuel Perfect

There has been a sudden upsurge in personnel at the station with the arrival of three new and one returning personnel, it's great to have such a lively crowd again. With the extra hands we will surely accomplish a lot over the coming weeks. We welcome Andrea, Oliver, Jonas, and Taima (who was also present during late spring). Ole (who arrived yesterday) is also here on his annual visit to make the most of the wader migration and assist with the daily standardised counts.

Daily proceedings began in a similar way to the previous few weeks with a check of the moth trap yelding 155 moths of 52 species. Year ticks included Drinker (Græsspinder, Euthrix potatoria), Early Thorn (Almindelig Månemåler, Selenia dentaria), and Gelechia nigra.


Early Thorn (Almindelig Månemåler, Selenia dentaria)

The morning observations produced some noteworthy rewards despite the tough northerly breeze restraining any substancial wader movements. Highlights included the lingering adult Great Skua (Storkjove, Stercorarius skua), one Arctic Skua (Almindelig Kjove, Stercorarius parasiticus) and 1301 terns of four species.

A Black Kite (Sort Glente, Milvus migrans) which flew over Bent and Ole added some buzz to the usual proceedings as this represnts the first for the station so far this year!

See the link below for a full list of this morning's sightings:


Personnel: Taima, Andrea, Oliver, Jonas, Ole, Bent and Samuel