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Visit to the Crested Tit

fredag 5. november 2021
Northwesterly wind brought three Little Auks (Søkonge) today at the Obs
af Hanelie Sidhu
Hello everyone!


Today started less cold than yesterday. But it was much windier. 

Jonas and I were therefore not able to open all the nets in the ringing gardens and had to close them after only a few rounds as the wind increased. Unfortunately, we didn't get much more than a few Blackbirds (Solsort) and Redwings (Vindrossel) in the few rounds in the nets.

5.11.JPGSebastian, on the other hand, was able to report three Little Auks (Søkonge) from the observation.



Jonas was out birding a lot today, but he was not satisfied with the results of his forays. Unfortunately, there was no species from the legendary list, but that would have been a bit unfair, because otherwise Sebastian would not have seen them. Because he didn't accompany Jonas today, as he left us this afternoon to go home for the weekend.

I also set off with my binoculars. I chose a similar route as yesterday, from the bird station first along the beach, then to the groves around the summer houses near the three masts.



There I heard Tits (Mejse), Goldcrests (Fuglekonge) and a few Robins (Rødhals) in the trees. Soon I got to see them too and after a little while I also saw a Crested Tit (Topmejse). I had already seen one in this area yesterday, so it wasn't such a big surprise, but I was still pleased, as I had taken these fancy tit to my heart right away after we had a representative of the species in the net once. Just like yesterday, I smiled at the Geocache I stumbled across a little off the path among the trees, having been an avid geocacher myself a few years ago. A little further on I discovered another Crested Tit (Topmejse), then I went back through the Bog to the bird station.

A similar strong wind from the west is forecasted for tomorrow. Let's see what that brings... 

See you then!


People at the Bird Station: Bent Jakobsen, Sebastian Thorup Hansen, Jonas Pedersen og Hanelie Sidhu