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Sunny and active Day

søndag 6. marts 2022
Ringing, observing, training
af Leona Gottschalkson

Today we were able to open all the nets. It was above 0oC so it felt really warm and the birds were more active than in recent days. We managed to capture 7 birds of 5 different species. The Wren we recaptured today was ringed last autumn, while the Dunnock we recaptured was ringed on the first day of this season. After the first round, John came over and brought us cake. He then joined us on the rounds and visited the observers.

The observers saw two Gannets, Red Throated Divers, a White Wagtail and an oystercatcher. Also they saw 2 porpoise, which was really nice. After that all of us and John ate the cake.

Henrik and David reported that they saw a firecrest in the vicinity of Blåvand, so Bello went on a walk and tried to find it. He couldn´t find it, but instead he observed 3 mistle thrushs, 1 Long-tailed Tit and 1 White- tailed Eagle.

After we closed the nets, in the afternoon, Bello and myself trained in the garden.



2 male Siskins. Photo by Leona.


Ringmærkningsliste (Nye/ Genfanget):

0/1 Dunnock

0/1 Wren

2/0 Blue Tit

1/0 Great Tit

2/0 Siskin

= 5 new birds of 3 species


DOFbasen list:



Folk på stationen: Bello, Menno, Leona, David, Henrik, John, Timmy