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Good diversity

søndag 17. april 2022
af Menno den Uijl

The numbers on the seawatch were not that high. Despite the low numbers, it was not a bad count. The first wimbrels were seen, next to that also 2 red kites, 4 white tailed eagles and the first light morph of artic skua.

The ringing was also quite nice. With 40 birds almost every round had some birds. It was not that busy, so every bird could be studied in great details. For the coming days (and the eastern winds) we are hoping to have the first lesser whitethroat, common redstart and bluethroat in the nets soon.

Ringing totals (new/recapture)

Wren (2/0)

Dunnock (1/0)

Robin (7/1)

Song thrush (1/0)

Common chiffchaff (9/1)

Willow warbler (1/0)

Tree sparrow (0/1)

Brambling (1/0)

Chaffinch (1/2)

Linnet (1/0)

Lesser redpoll (2/0)

28 new birds over 11 species

Doflink: https://dofbasen.dk/search/result.php?design=table&soeg=soeg&periode=dato&dato=13-04-2022&omraade=stor&stor=607&obstype=observationer&species=alle&sortering=dato

People at the station: Bello, Leona, Henrik, David and Menno