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Some signs of spring

tirsdag 19. april 2022
The first redstart!
af Menno den Uijl

Today the seawatch was a bit quiet, but some little gulls migrating north were a highlight. After the seawatch Henrik and Bello both walked a bit round to try to find a rare bird. Henrik found a lesser whitethroat, although it is not a really rare bird it was the first for the surroundings of Blåvand. So that made it a nice find. Next to that, in the bushes he found numerous willow warblers and robins.

Today in the nets, we had some robins. Next to that, we first saw a common redstart close to the ringing hut. The next round at the station we found the first one in the nets. Today the numbers were not that high, but the species compensated for that. We had two firsts for this season: common redstart and goldfinch. Besides those two gems, we also had a pair of bullfinches and a male firecrest.

Tonight we were joined by Agata and Maciej, two ringers who have stayed at Gedser previous this year.


Photo of the Redstart – Photo by Leona


Ringing totals (new/recapture):

Dunnock (2/0)

Robin (14/3)

Common redstart (1/0)

Blackbird (2/0)

Chiffchaff (7/5)

Willow warbler (2/0)

Firecrest (1/0)

Brambling (1/0)

Goldfinch (1/0)

Lesser redpoll (4/0)

Bullfinch (1/0)

36 new birds over 11 species

People at the station: Bent, Henrik, John, Svend, Leona, Bello, Agata, Maciej and Menno

Doflink: https://dofbasen.dk/search/result.php?design=table&soeg=soeg&periode=dato&dato=19-04-2022&omraade=stor&stor=607&obstype=observationer&species=alle&sortering=dato