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First for the country!

torsdag 5. maj 2022
The first common nightingale for Denmark this year
af Menno den Uijl

The day started really good with the first nightingale in Denmark this year, we all heard it sing. Besides the nightingale, the ringing only started properly after two almost empty rounds. But after those two rounds, the lesser whitethroats and the phylloscopen (Chiffchaff and Willow warbler) could be found in the nets. In one of the last rounds we found another wryneck, bringing the seasons total up to 10 which means that we reached the same amount of wrynecks during the record year. With the favorable southern winds this night and tomorrow I suspect that we can catch some more. After standardized time, we decided to use some playback to lure the nightingale into the nets. Within 20 minutes it flew into the nets.

Sydlig nattergal, Photo - Bello

Another highlight was the catch of the first common whitethroat. They arrived some days ago, and singing in the surroundings of the station. But up until today, they managed to keep outside of the nets.  


To end the day, we got a reply of the French Chiffchaff we controlled. It was ringed in October 2020 as a 1k, making it a 3k when we controlled it. You may wonder how many kilometers it already has travelled the last two years.


The place where the chiffchaff got its ring

Ringing list (new/recapture)

Wryneck (0/1)

Wren (1/1)

Dunnock (0/1)

Robin (3/1)

Nightingale (1/0)

Common redstart (2/0)

Blackbird (1/1)

Song thrust (1/0)

Lesser whitethroat (14/2)

Common whitethroat (1/0)

Blackcap (3/0)

Chiffchaff (7/1)

Willow warbler (8/0)

Pied flycatcher (1/0)

Great tit (0/1)

Chaffinch (0/1)

Linnet (1/0)

People at the station: Agata, Maciej, Bello and Menno