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Plant-watching on a windy day

tirsdag 16. maj 2023
af Amelie Sophie Zeller

Yesterday afternoon the wind started to pick up and overnight it became so strong that it was not possible to open the nets this morning. So, we all slept in and had a nice breakfast together. We then got a call from Bent inviting us to join him on a trip to Vrøgum Klitplantage and Filsø. We were happy about the offer, as there was not much else to do on this windy day.


We had a nice walk in the wet area and could admire some great plant species, including the carnivorous plant Drosera rotundifolia (Soldug), of which Rose took great pictures through her grandma's botanical magnifier.


It was great to be out and about with people who knew many of the plants, as these are not usual areas for me where I often go at home. We were also able to see two Lapwings (Vibe) and hear many Tree Pipits (Skovpiber).


A small tea and cookie break :)

Arriving at Filsø we observed the breeding Black-headed Gulls (Hættemåge) and Common Terns (Fjordterne). There was also a big number of Great Crested Grebes (Toppet Lappedykker). I had never seen so many of these birds in one place before!

Henrik did the morning observations today in the strong wind. There were a few Gannets (Sule), Red-throated Divers (Rødstrubet Lom), an Arctic Skua (Almindelig Kjove) and a Long-tailed Duck (Havlit), for which it is very late now.

After our trip home and blown by the wind, we were all very tired and had a little nap before Morten invited us to Blåvand for eating pizza to celebrate the Golden Oriole (Pirol). Thanks for that, we had a very nice evening!


The wind for tomorrow looks similar to today, so the ringing will have to wait a bit.

Fiolk på stationen: Bent, Henrik, Rose, Morten og Amelie