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An exciting night saves a boring day

lørdag 8. juni 2024
af Michael

Last night I went out pretty late, or early, depends on your perspective of course. I went to sleep early and woke up around 23:45, to go out and catch some birds with the thermal vieuwer, a torch and a carp net, hoping to catch more than 1 bird, and maybe something like a wader. I have done this before, but ony for 1 hour. I didn't chose this night randomly, I checked the weather and it turned out to be a horrible day for opening the nets today with a lot of rain and to much wind. 

I was looking for birds and in the first hour, I missed a song thrush and a skylark, but then I saw a bigger white dot moving around. At first I thought it was a rabbit or young hare, but it was moving weird for that. It turned out to be a grey partridge! I walked towards it and it came walking to me as well. As I was shaking, the bird stopped, looked around and was just standing there. I walked a little bit closer and landed the net on the ground. Missed! I was screaming inside and was hoping if I would return later, it would be around again. But 2 minutes later, I saw it walking around again 100 meters from the spot I missed it. I walked towards it again with the light, and it started walking towards me again, I just stood still, and waited for it to stand in front of me again. The same situation occured as the first time, the only difference was, I didn't make a mistake this time! I dropped the net and got it. Amazing catch! 


While I saw the partridge, i saw another bird in the same area as well. I checked, and it was still there. It turned out to be a wheatear, which I caught and ringed as I had the partridge in a bag for a minute. It was a 2k male, always a nice bird to catch. At the end of the night I also had a new skylark. As I was ringing it I heard a waterrail calling, which was unreachable, and a bluethroat singing, but when I tried catching it, it flew off to quick, it was probably to light already. 

The rest of the day was boring, as it was raining almost all day and too windy, also when it stopped raining. So, I prepared for another night out with taking some rest...