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We expected a lot from that SW wind and it was even better than expected!

torsdag 8. august 2024
af Theotim

This morning was fantastic, and we saw some beautiful species. We had a great team of observers: Andreas, Louis, Henrik, Joseph, Thyge, and me (Theotim). The wind was coming from the Southwest and was moderate, around 7 m/s. Therefore, we didn't really expect to see many seabirds. In the end, there were 4 Sooty Shearwaters that passed not too far, and it was magnificent to watch them glide. At one point, we even saw two at the same time! There were also many gannets, but we still haven't seen any juveniles—they'll probably arrive in September. However, we did spot the first juvenile Sanderling.

Among the interesting birds we counted this morning:

2 Skuas
2 Caspian Gulls
7 Black Terns
1 Caspian Tern
We also saw the usual birds: 400 Oystercatchers, 240 Red Knots, 32 Dunlins, 10 Redshanks, 11 Turnstones, 43 Sanderlings, and almost 600 scoters.

Later in the afternoon, Louis went back for more observations and was able to take a video of another Sooty Shearwater, also very close.

In the evening, Andreas and Freya returned to the beach, and the conditions seemed even more favorable for migration than this morning. They saw a lot of Red Knots and, most notably, a Little Stint, which is quite uncommon (it’s the fourth one of the season).

We ended that day watching the Olympics, and eating delicious pasta carbonara made by the chef Andreas.

Freya, who didn't had a good day for ringing (4 birds - 0 recaptures) went for a night walk with the "thermal binocular", but unfortunatly she couldn't catch anything.