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Where are the shearwaters?

lørdag 10. august 2024
af Theotim

After more than 50 Shearwaters yesterday, we expected at least one today, because the weather conditions were almost the same. Apparently they were not far but impossible to spot one. Instead, we enjoyed a good migration day, and in some species, the juveniles are more numerous than the adults.
Today's morning counts:
- Scoters: 646
- Oystercatchers: 431
- Grey Plovers: 4
- Curlews: 3
- Godwits: 4
- Red Shanks: 11
- Turnstones: 16
- Red Knots: 43
- Sanderlings: 9
- Dunlins: 29

After the obs, Louis and Andreas left the station. They were here for more than a week and I will miss them tomorrow. I went back to alone to the bunker later in the day, in order to spot a Shearwater. Unfortunately, I only got a lot of terns (comics), a few Red Knots and one big flock of 60 Sanderlings (probably resting).

Today, Freya couldn't ring because of the wind, let's hope that it will be better tomorrow, even if the chances are low.

Below, some photos taken by Louis this morning.

