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A big flock of finches...

tirsdag 15. oktober 2024
af Hanelie &

The ringing:

It was a good first round today, I was joined by Chung-Chi, who arrived yesterday evening after a long travel from Taiwan and will stay here until the end of the season. Torben from Germany, who is on holiday in Blåvand but would like to stay here another time for ringing joined as well. After all birds from first round were ringed, we went down to the station garden. And were surprised by a net with about 40 finches!!! A big flock of finches, mainly Bramblings “Kvækerfinke” and Siskins “Grønsisken” and some Chaffinches “Bogfinke” went down in the garden and got caught. I counted, and it was 68 birds in that one round. After it got rather calm again. From 10 on, Jonas had a ringing tour again, but he stayed mostly in the stations garden while we stayed in the lighthouse garden, it was still good with birds. After standard Bent came with some friends to show them the ringing. There were some birds to show, but not so many, and we closed soon.


Not often in the nets: A Stonechat "Sortstrubet Bynkefugl"



The moth:

A busy day with birds, but a very slow day for moth, I found just one when I checked the traps yesterday evening, it was Thera Britannica “Ædelgranmåler”. This morning, the traps were empty. Although it is getting late in the year, it could be more moths in better weather conditions with less wind. But I take what I get and in the few ones I have had here, I had still some new species.


Thera Britannica “Ædelgranmåler”

At the station: Chung-Chi, Torben, David, Louis, Bent, Jonas, Hanelie and 6 guests