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Another ordinary day at Blåvand

tirsdag 14. juni 2022
af Menno den Uijl

Today was a very ordinairy day at Blåvand. The ringing was not very spectacular, but some new plumages of the birds was very nice to see. Two sisken were a bit challenging to age, but after some closer looks it became clear what age it was. The challenging part of this bird was that it already had moulted all the wing feathers, but not the tail. This made me doubt a bit, but after I checked the lesser coverts it became obvious which age it was.

Bent came over today and did his round again. Unfortunately, he did not find another Moltoni’s warbler or another new bird for Denmark. During his coffee, he had a possible Serin flying over.

Ringing totals:

White wagtail 1/0

Blackbird 1/0

Common whitethroat 1/0

Chiffchaff 1/1

Crested tit 0/3

Tree sparrow 1/1

Chaffinch 0/1

Siskin 2/0

Linnet 2/0

Lesser redpoll 3/1

People at the station: Bent and Menno

The milestone reached

mandag 13. juni 2022
af Menno den Uijl

Today it was windier then yesterday, so even less nets could be opened unfortunately. Luckily I managed to catch 11 birds with 9 new birds. So the big milestone of 1800 birds ringed is reached. Tomorrow, on the last official day of this season I will try my best to get as much birds to get an even better season total. This total could never be reached by the ringers who joined us this season, so thanks that you have joined the ringing campaign here at Blåvand.

In the afternoon, the winds increased to much so I had to close the nets. In the afternoon the board had a meeting.

Ringing totals:

Dunnock 1/0

Common Whitethroat 1/0

Chiffchaff 4/0

Crested tit 3/1

Great tit 0/1

Many visitors, not that many birds

søndag 12. juni 2022
af Menno den Uijl

Today was a bit windier then yesterday, so not all the nets could be opened today. Luckily the predicted rain around 7 did not drop down on us. A highlight of the ringing was another collared dove. This is already the 4th this season, doubling the former record. During all the years the Fuglestation was established only 10 have been caught. The explanation of the many catches this season could be that this species is expanding and breeding somewhere in the area. This is also very likely since the bird we caught today was a 1st year female.

The seawatch was not as good as yesterday, but a great skua and fulmar were seen during the observation. There were not that many birds, but the three observers (Henrik, David and Bello) were not bored afterwards.

Today was a really busy day, since Sven and John Frikke also visited the station. John Frikke brought another cake, which is always very appreciated. Next to that, he brought the termal camera, so next autumn the nightcatching should be more successful than our tries this season with no result.

Although the business around the station in the morning, the afternoon was quiet. After Bello took me on a shopping trip he went back to Århus again. He will probably join the autumn season here again.

Tomorrow I could hit a 1800 ringed birds this season so far. I only need 8 birds, but with the weather looking similar to today I hope that it is possible. The average of the spring total is 1683 birds, so that is a 100 more than average.

Ringing total:

Collared dove 1/0

White wagtail 1/0

Black redstart 1/0

Blackbird 1/0

Lesser whitethroat 0/2

Common whitethroat 1/0



Chiffchaff 0/1

Willow warbler 0/1

Crested tit 4/2

Great tit 1/0

Greenfinch 1/0

Redpoll 1/0

Yellowhammer 1/0


lørdag 11. juni 2022
af Menno den Uijl

Today was a very nice catching day. It was pretty warm and without too much wind. Although the wind is not coming from the best direction, it was southsouthwest where anything with east is preferred. In the standardized time, an adult male black redstart, another reed warbler ( still waiting for that Blyth/Paddyfield…) and a house martin. But the best species was caught after the lunch in the form of a female red backed shrike. Although there are 2/3/4 breeding pairs in the close by bog, we did not catch one yet. In the mourning I was very jealous on Gedser where they had a male yesterday, and we managed to catch one. What striked me the most was the starling like tail, such a shame that I am associating this species with the RB shrike. Unfortunately, Bello was on the road with his car again (on that later on more), but David managed to take some nice pictures ( for now, my phonepic is added). The rest of the day was slow, but keeping the nets open up until dinner definitely rewarded itself. And the barred warbler at Skagen was another bit of motivation.

So now on to Bello and his car. Three days ago it got repaired, the accu generator needed to be replaced. Since then, it works better according to Bello, so that is really nice. Bello wanted to ride some around in the area where the wolf has been seen this spring. So Bello took a sandy road and taught that it would be fine. But the further he came, the looser the sand became. So after some time he got stuck and digged the car in. With David around, he could help him. When David arrived, they could not manage to get it out so they were in need to call a truck to pull it out. Luckily it succeeded and the car is at the station again. End good, all good.

Ringing totals:

House martin 1/0

Jernspurv 2/0

Black redstart 1/0

Stonechat 1/0

Reed warbler 1/0

Lesser whitethroat 0/2

Common whitethroat 3/1

Chiffchaff 1/1

Crested tit 3/1

Great tit 0/3

Red backed shrike 1/0

Starling 1/0

Tree sparrow 2/0

Chaffinch 1/0

Lesser redpoll 1/0

New birds/ recaptures: 19/9



Red backed shrike female


Black redstart adult male, the first one this spring


Juvenile stonechat



Juvenile Tree sparrows, if you look carefully you see some bars on the feathers. These are called 'Fault bars' and these are basically weak points in the feather caused by a food shortage. Because all the feathers grow at the same time, you can find them on the flight feathers. In tree sparrows all feathers will be moulted in late summer and then the feathers will be of better quality. Growth bars look a bit stupid, but in the nest birds are most vulnerable so get them out as soon as possible is more important than the quality of the feathers. When feathers are made of really bad quality and will break off, the bird will start moulting it.

Late arrival, and tern ringing

fredag 10. juni 2022
Dværgterne succes
af mikkel bello og Bent Jakobsen

I was in Aarhus today so Henrik was alone this morning at the observation.
He found a Cornbunting and a 2k Mediterranean Gull. I have been looking for the Med gull the whole season so im a little sad i was home when it finally turned up. 
Menno caught a White Wagtail and in the evening he joined Ulf on the beach ringing Little Terns.
David joined us in the evening and wil stay this weekend so tomorrow we have a full team for the sea watch.
Ulf Bertelsen som står for Dværgterne undersøgelserne ankom omkring middag, og kørte på stranden for at tjekke Dværgternerne. Han kunne berette om 3 par med unger, 5 liggende på rede og et par kurtiserende. Så det er indtil videre en succes med vores udhegning.
1st picture, White Wagtail, 2nd and 3rd, Little Terns: all photos by Menno

People at the station: Menno, Henrik, Mikkel, David og Bent

A late start with a nice suprise

torsdag 9. juni 2022

After some days ringing with Morten, today I had to do the ringing alone again. Unfortunately the weather did not fully corporate because the nets could not be opened until 9. On the second round there was a rosefinch in the nets. This was my first rosefinch in Denmark, so this was very nice. For the next one I hope it will be an adult male, since they are more beautiful than the plain females. In the maintime Henrik was birding in the area and could see it as well, shortly before he heard a Caspian tern calling. Bent was also at the station, so he saw it as well. In the mean time, Bello was at Skallingen so he missed it.

In the afternoon Bello went to bring some stuff back to Århus.



Ringing totals:

Garden warbler 3/0

Blackcap 1/0

Chiffchaff 1/0

Willow warbler 1/0

Crested tit 0/2

Rosefinch 0/1

Total 6/3

People at the station: Bent, Henrik, Bello and Menno

Farvel til Morten

onsdag 8. juni 2022
Tungt giftigt vejr gav
af Bent Jakobsen

Igen til morgen regnfuldt, så begrænset med fugle i området. En Kærsanger sad og sang ved militærtårnet og Mikkel så en Lærkefalk trække mod øst.
På stranden har Dværgternerne travlt med at piske ind og ud af hegningen, hvilket tyder på at der må være unger i flere af rederne. Kunne dog ikke tjekke nærmere, da der skydning. Det har der været de sidste par dage, hvilket har være meget positivt, så Dværgternerne ikke er blevet forstyrret mens regnen har silet ned, og har kunnet ligge i fred på rederne og varme ungerne.
Morten trak i dag igen mod  nordøst. Charlotte kom i går for at køre ham til Stavtrup i dag,  så han kan passe sin CES ringmærkning. Inden han forlod Blåvand fik han taget nogle flere WNV prøver.
Blåvand Fuglestation siger stort tak til Morten for indsatsen og håber at se ham igen, måske senere på året. 


Jernspurv 1
Sangdrossel 2
Sivsanger 1
Gulbug 2
Tornsanger 1
Munk 1
Gransanger 1
Løvsanger 2
Topmejse 2
Skovspurv 2
Grønsisken 2
Tornirisk 2

I alt 19

Another autumn day in summer

tirsdag 7. juni 2022
af Menno den Uijl

Today was another day where we could practice how to quickly open and close the nets again. I can not remember having bad days like this in March, and now it is summer…. The frustrating thing today was how wrong the DMI is. When the DMI predicted only a little amount of rain for one hour, there was actually plenty of rain. But in the late afternoon it cleared up a bit and we were able to open again. Although there were not many birds, it was good to catch anything in the lighthouse after a completely empty day and mourning.

Although the weather was very rough, it was quite busy with people today. Anders finished his work on the database and made it work on the new computer, which we are thankful for. It is at least 4 times faster than the older one. Bent also came along. And Charlotte arrived in the afternoon, tomorrow she will leave with Morten. The downside of staying this long is that you see almost everybody leave. To have a memorable evening, Morten made another delicious lasagna. Morten also made it as one of the first meals here and we really enjoyed back then as well.


Blackbird 0/1

Lesser whitethroat 0/1

Chiffchaff 2/0

Willow warbler 1/0

Pied flycatcher 1/0

Crested tit 0/1

Great tit 0/1

People at the station: Morten, Bent, Anders, Charlotte, Bello and Menno

From rain to sun and warm weather, but strong wind from south all day and very few birds around

mandag 6. juni 2022
af Morten Jenrich Hansen

We woke up to nearly constant rainy conditions and strong wind from south.
Not the best weather for trying to catch birds in nets, so I took a rest and turned on my other side in the bed for two extra hours of sleep.
When I came up at 6 o´clock Menno had tried to open some nets at the Ligthhouse garden and got 2 recaptures.
I then tried some nets in the stations garden, but none of us could make it a standard ringing session, as we constantly had to open and close nets, when showers came in.
Menno gave up at midday with no more birds in the Ligthhouse garden and still stronger wind.
We kept some nets open at the station until dinner time, but the wind, and now a lot of sun after the rain, made the nets visible and the day total of birds in nets was depressing low.
Best bird was a young Treecreeper – first one ringed this season.
Last time the species was ringed here in spring was back in 2019.  
One of the recaptures was an Icterine Warbler ringed nearly a year ago on 10.th of June 2021.

Treecreeper06062022.jpgYoung Treecreeper    Photo: Morten Jenrich

Anders Z. took another round of updating the database and transferred it to the new computer, so now we just need to catch some birds to enjoy entering data on a faster computer.
Bent took a walk to the beach, where the Little Terns still was on their nests.
They were hard to see with the sand blowing strongly at ground height, but yesterday in the better weather conditions a visitor had photographed the first pullus young this year. The young laying just beside its parent Little Tern.

Anders Z. had a walk around Mosen with nothing new to report from there, and we all took this day as a kind of off day.
Tomorrow also looks hard in the morning with rain and wind, but hopefully a little better options for opening nets during the day.

Ringing totals:

Wren 0/1

Icterine Warbler 0/1

Common Whitethroat 0/1

Blackcap 2/0

Chiffchaff 1/0

Crested Tit 0/1

Treecreeper 1/0

Redpoll 1/1

Total 5/5

People at the station: Bent, Anders Z., Menno, Bello and Morten

The heat brought us some excitements.

søndag 5. juni 2022
af Mikkel Bello

While the ringers opened the nets Henrik K, my friend Louise and I kept the beds warm. around 5 I woke up trying to do some seawatch. After a short while I heard some small calling sounds and cheked it out, and found the first rosefinch for the season, but it wasn´t the rosefinch that made the call it was a juvenile redpoll sitting next to it, just as i wanted to call it out on zello Henrik made a message that he found a Red-breasted Flycather in the area opposite of the station. When I came down morten was already there and i saw the tail of it but it was in the area for some time. Menno chaught a beauty of a Crossbill around 5 also!  


Male Crossbill   Photo Morten Jenrich

I continued at the sea, joined by Bjørn, And a Local couple from Varde. We found a 3k Caspian Gull and an Egyptian goose. 

After some breakfast i took a nap and in the meen time Henrik had seen a possible palid swift but despite the amount of details he saw he only had it shortly and didnt get proper documentation sadly. 

Louise tried to hold and release a Common Whitethroat and a Crested Tit that Morten already ringed. Afterwards we went to the city to get some icecream and shop a bit, we wanted to make a bbq as the weather was finally rather comfortable. 
When we came back we had some lunch and then went to the beach. 

In the evening we had the Bbq and a rather big amount of Swifts was flying around the lighthouse. 
After the dinner Louise drow home to Aarhus again. 

Ringing totals:

House Martin 1/0

Redstjart 2/0

Blackbird 1/0

Song Thrush 1/0

Lesser Whitethroat 2/1

Common Whitethroat 5/2

Chiffchaff 1/0

Spotted Flycatcher 1/0

Crested Tit 5/1

Chaffinch 1/0

Greenfinch 1/2

Linnet 1/0

Redpoll 3/0

Common Crossbill 1/0

Total 26/5

People at the station: Bello, Henrik Kristensen, Anders, Svend Aage, Menno, Morten, Louise, Bjørn.

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